Hospitality Films to Inspire and Entertain
Following a Passion I’m lucky to work in the hospitality, tourism, event venue, and service industries.…
2023-09-26Following a Passion I’m lucky to work in the hospitality, tourism, event venue, and service industries.…
I’m not sorry. I’d like to offer an apology in the second meaning of the word, “a defense, excuse, or justification.” I’m…
Struwwelpeter’s iconic stories are ubiquitous in Germany. We happen to live in the epicenter of shock-haired…
My new outlet for coping with COVID-19 is part mantra, part rebellion: themed holidays. I’m putting…
Change is an opportunity for change. Every time there’s a shift in our routines, there’s a…
Dramatic, thrilling, and hilarious. 3 books that are relatable for expats, and fun to read!
Using Airbnb Experiences, we are finding more ways to connect with animals in Germany.
The neighborhood compost calls me like church bells. It’s made up of dead leaves and bent…
My chest felt hot and prickly. My back was strained–for hours–as I waited on pins and…
Monday night my kids trick-or-treated in an idyllic, innocent, classic style. It was a quiet and…
I’d like to introduce you to Reta Jane Carter. If you already know her, I’d like…
We loved living in SoCal for three years, and in Monterey, CA for two years. Loved…